Music, Celebrities & Entertainment

Who is Candel Cuffie?

Who is Candel Cuffie and what is she famous for?

Who is Sherosse Cuffie?

Who is Sherosse Cuffie and what is she famous for?

Who is Victrina Cuffie?

Who is Victrina Cuffie and what is she famous for?

Who is Angela Cuffie?

Who is Angela Cuffie and what is she famous for?

Who is Winsie Cuffie?

Who is Winsie Ann Cuffie and what is she famous for?

Who sang "Ganja Farmer"?

Which artist sang the song "Ganja Farmer"?

What is reggae?

What is reggae and when/where/how did it originate?

What did Nisha B wear for carnival 2014?

I heard that Nisha B wore something inappropriate for Carnival 2014 that caused a controversy.

Who is Mohammed Rafi?

What is Mohammed Rafi famous for?

Who is Nisha B?

What is Nisha B famous for and what does she do?

Who is Shamfa Cudjoe?

What does Shamfa Cudjoe do?

Who is Ayanna Webster-Roy?

What does Ayanna Webster-Roy do?

Who is Ian Alleyne?

What is Ian Alleyne famous for?

Who is Xtatik?

What is Xtatik famous for?

Who is Young Tiger?

What is Young Tiger famous for?

Who is Rakesh Yankaran?

What is Rakesh Yankaran famous for?

Who is Issac Yankaran?

What is Issac Yankaran famous for?

Who is Anand Yankaran?

What is Anand Yankaran famous for?

Who is Daisy Voisin?

What is Daisy Voisin famous for?

Who is Pundit Sahadeo Tiwari?

What is Pundit Sahadeo Tiwari famous for?

Who is André Tanker?

What is André Tanker famous for?

Who is Superblue?

What is Superblue famous for?

Who is Tony Springer?

What is Tony Springer famous for?

Who is Errol Sitahal?

What is Errol Sitahal famous for?

Who is Sir Lancelot?

What is Sir Lancelot famous for?

Who is Ras Shorty I?

What is Ras Shorty I famous for?

Who is Lennox Sharpe?

What is Lennox Sharpe famous for?

Who is Adesh Samaroo?

What is Adesh Samaroo famous for?

Who is Siewdass Sadhu?

What is Siewdass Sadhu famous for?

Who is David Rudder?

What is David Rudder famous for?