
Who owns the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company Limited (TTMF)?

Which company, group or persons own the Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Company Limited (TTMF)?
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Marisa answered
Sat, 19th November 2016 at 4:41PM
Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance (TTMF) is a state owned enterprise of Trinidad and Tobago. It was established for the purchasing of dwelling houses including land.

Its Board of Directors consists of:
- Albert T. Vincent - Chairman
- Feroze Khan - Deputy Chairman
- Ingrid L-A. Lashley - Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer
- Sharda Baksh - Director
- Ann Chan Chow - Director
- Varun Avinash Debideen - Director
- Maureen Munro-Legge - Director